Sunday, June 12, 2011


So this is my re-entry into the bloggosphere. I gave it a go when Suzanne was pregnant with Dominic, primarily to update the interweb about her progress and eventually his birth and growth. This time I plan on focusing more on my growth. I am in the middle of trying to establish a career change as a fireman. I say try because I have been at it for almost two years now, it's pretty damn competitive and it probably doesn't help that I am attempting this career change in probably the hardest economic situations that I have ever lived through.

I wanted to use this blog to capture a bit of my struggle with my goal of becoming a career fireman, along with the other things going on in my life...such as being a father of an incredible two year old, husband of an amazing wife (since 2004), career cubicle jockey (since 2003), and volunteer firefighter (since 2010). No real format to this, just plan on going at it ad-hoc and hope to learn something and capture some incites.

Jump in and tell me anything, like suck it up and grow a pair...hope you all enjoy!

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