Sunday, June 19, 2011

Father's Day 2011

So a little tip I learned over the father's day weekend, if you lay your child down for a nap wearing only a diaper and t-shirt expect the unexpected.  On Saturday Suz and I put Dominic down for his nap in only his diaper and t-shirt and we started to work on cleaning out the garage and other outside yard work.  After about an hour of him talking to himself things got quite, about 15 minutes later he was up and at it again...then he began crying.  Suz went in to check on him and then I hear, "Oh my God, LEO!".  I walked over and the stench was son decided to try his hand at being an artist, using poop as his medium..  The first thing I see is a diaper sitting in the middle of his bed, then smudges of 'art' on the wall, floor, and finally my son's arms and face.  I just laughed...

We immediately divided an concurred.  I took the newly anointed "Poop Painter" and Suz worked the bleach and water in the room.  It was about 30 minutes in total to get his room decontaminated and another 6 hours for the smell of baby turd to be gone from the house...or maybe 6 hours for us to get use to the smell.  Ahhhh parenting!  Needless to say he will be wearing a pair of shorts for every nap this summer.

On the work front I started my first week as the systems engineer lead for a large program at work.  It's  a pretty daunting task given the fact that I am now in charge of several small sub projects that come with the program and the financials of our team (well making sure our charging is meeting what we claimed it needed and that we are actually producing work while spending said money).  I can easily say that I never gave much thought to my career track and find it a bit comical that now after I find what I really want to do with my life, work throws me head first into 'management'.

While I don't really relish the idea of being a lead in this particular field I am looking at it as a real growth opportunity.  One that will allow me to really focus on my time management skills and as my boss says, allow me to be stern when I need to be.  I generally am the guy that speaks his mind but does so in a way that is very 'take it or leave it', I guess being a lead I'm going to have to turn that more into a 'take it or shove it' type mantra.  I'll keep you all updated on how that goes.

1 comment:

  1. I laughed so hard at this! I think I would have been crying if I had to clean that room though!! You know, when I babysat him, he did the same thing - lit a bomb in that room...thank GOD I left his pants on!!
